Eddy Current technology is utilized to distinguish metallic and non-ferromagnetic substances from non-metallic materials. This method operates based on the principle of eddy currents generated by a magnetic rotor. The separator, equipped with powerful neodymium magnets, is integrated within the conveyor system. When it spins at high speeds, it generates a magnetic field that temporarily magnetizes even non-ferromagnetic metallic substances.

The magnetic polarity of these induced particles aligns with the polarity of the magnetic field produced by the rotor of the separator. As a result, these magnetized materials are repelled and automatically expelled from the conveyor line.

This type of separator can effectively sort materials into two categories: non-ferrous metals (such as aluminum, brass, copper, etc.) and non-conductive materials (like plastics, wood, glass, etc.).

Eddy current separators are frequently employed in waste recycling operations and industrial applications where the separation of ferrous (and non-ferrous) metal fragments from non-conductive substances such as plastics, glass, or wood is essential.

The key benefit of eddy current separators is their remarkable efficiency and rapid processing ability, making them well-suited for high-volume processing demands. These separators prove to be highly effective tools for the recycling and processing of metal materials.

It’s important to note that ECS separators are not designed to separate ferrous materials. For optimal functionality, especially in contexts with high ferrous content, ferrous particles must be removed prior to processing the materials with the ECS (for example, by utilizing a standard magnetic separator in advance of the ECS). Any occasional ferromagnetic particles may be captured by the ECS separator.